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Writer's picturePolli Rayburn

Hiking in the Big Bend: 5 Tips to keep yourself protected from the sun!

Greetings to all! I'm Polli from Paisano Azul Ranch. We care about our guests' well-being and aim to ensure their safety under the sun while they immerse themselves in the wonders of Big Bend National Park. Each of our accommodations features a shade structure where guests can escape the sun and relish the stunning vistas of the Chisos Mountains! Guests are encouraged to relax in the shade at the rentals, but when exploring the park, we have some helpful tips to share.

Were you aware that your skin is the largest organ in your immune system? It's incredible! The skin carries out numerous vital functions for us, such as shielding us from microbes, chemicals, temperature variations, and sunlight. Here are some methods to safeguard the skin from the sun:

#1 Wearing a hat is crucial when enjoying outdoor activities. Not only does a hat shield the face from the sun, but it also protects the scalp, which is prone to sunburn. Sunburn on the scalp can be uncomfortable and itchy. Additionally, it's important to note that skin cancer can develop on the scalp, which can be challenging to treat. Therefore, it's advisable to opt for a well-designed hat with a wide brim for adequate protection.

#2 Make sure to wear high-quality sunglasses. They shield the eyes, particularly the corneas, from the sun's harmful rays. Extended periods of bright sunlight can increase the risk of developing cataracts, making a reliable pair of sunglasses essential.

#3 Apply a high-quality sunscreen or sunblock. Sunscreen acts as a chemical barrier against UV rays, so it's recommended to put it on 15-30 minutes before heading outdoors and reapply frequently. On the other hand, sunblock serves as a physical barrier that reflects UV rays away from the skin.

#4 Clothing is another effective physical barrier against UV rays. Some brands offer clothes infused with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which can reflect the sun's UV rays. These chemicals are resistant to washing and offer long-lasting protection.

#5 It is advisable to look for shade whenever you can. Certain trails in the Big Bend National Park are lined with trees providing shade. Remember to pause and relax in the shade when available. Avoid trails that offer minimal to no shade, especially during the hottest part of the day. To identify shaded trails, refer to the Hikers Guide to the trails of the Big Bend National Park on the national park service website.

Santa Elena Canyon by Loyd Dalton

We hope this information helps you stay safe in the sun! We look forward to having you stay with us at Paisano Azul Ranch!

Paisano Azul Ranch

725 Road Runner Circle

Terlingua, Tx. 79852


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