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The Oasis Campgrounds at
Paisano Azul Ranch

At theOasis Campgrounds, we offer 5-star camping experiences in beautiful Terlingua, Texas. We are the Terlingua Texas camping destination. The campgrounds are located only minutes away from Big Bend National Park. Our campsites are spacious and give you room to stretch out! We are located close to Terlingua Creek for more hiking and exploration. Our campsites feature picnic tables and shade sails to keep you cool during the day, as well as flushable porta johns that are cleaned weekly for your convenience. Outdoor showers with hot and cold water are also provided near the office for a refreshing start to your day. .A wash basin is also close by the showers to wash dishes.

For those who camp in vans at the Oasis, there is a dump station. 


There is group site in the Oasis Campground located, at the front of the property, called El  Groupo. It can accommodate up to 8 people if you and your friends wanted to camp together. El Group dose have a flushable Porta John to its self.

There is Wifi available at the shower area to share your adventurers of the day with friends and family. 

If you want to have fun camping in Terlingua Texas, stay with us at

Paisano Azul Ranch!



Paisano Azul Ranch Offers the best camping in Terlingua Texas. Our Campground Rate Five Star on HipCamp!


Book with us through HipCamp and come join the adventure!

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  © 2022 by Paisano Azul Ranch

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